Papers in peer
reviewed journals
[41] S. Jensen, I.A. Løge, J.
Bendix and L. Diekhöner
An approach for patterned
molecular adsorption on ferromagnets, achieved via Moiré superstructures
Physical Chemistry Chemical
Physics, 26, 13710 (2024), link, preprint
version in “Dansk Kemi“: link
[39] A. Ørsted, S.V. Salling and
L. Diekhöner
Unraveling the electronic structure of cobalt oxide nanoislands on Au(111)
Physical Review B, 108, 165424 (2023) link
[38] L. Diekhöner, C.S. Meyer and S. Eiskjær
The magnetic field strength and the force
distance dependency of the magnetically controlled growing rods used for early
onset scoliosis
Scientific Reports, 13, 3045 (2023), link
[37] D. Batet, F.T. Zohra, S.B. Kristensen,
S.J. Andreasen, and L. Diekhöner
Continuous Durability Study of a High
Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Stack
Applied Energy, 277, 115588
(2020), link
[36] M. Pörtner , Y.
Wei, A. Riss, K. Seufert, M. Garnica, J.V. Barth, A.P. Seitsonen, L. Diekhöner
and W. Auwärter
Charge state control of F16CoPc on h-BN
on Cu(111)
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 7,
2000080 (2020), link
[35] M.P. Bahlke, P. Wahl, L.
Diekhöner and C. Herrmann
Co(CO)n/Cu(001): Towards understanding
chemical control of the Kondo effect.
Journal of Applied Physics, 125,
142910 (2019), link, preprint
[34] K.S. Svane, M.S.
Baviloliaei, B. Hammer and L. Diekhöner
extended chiral surface coordination network based on Ag7-clusters.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 149, 164710 (2018), link, preprint
Editors pick
Covered in Physics Today: link
[33] M.S. Baviloliaei and L.
self-assembly at nanometer scale modulated surfaces: Trimesic
acid on Ag(111), Cu(111) and Ag/Cu(111)
Physical Chemistry
Chemical Physics, 16, 11265 (2014), link,
[32] L. Vitali, P. Wahl, R. Ohmann,
J. Bork, Y. Zhang, L. Diekhöner and K. Kern
transport through single atoms and molecules.
Physica Status Solidi B, 250, 2437 (2013), link
[31] P. Wahl, L. Diekhöner, M.A.
Schneider, F. Treubel, C.T. Lin and K. Kern
spectroscopy of the Kondo lattice YbAl3: Seeing beyond the surface
with scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy.
Physical Review B, 84, 245131 (2011), link
[30] J. Bork, Y. Zhang, L.
Diekhöner, L. Borda, P. Simon, J. Kroha, P. Wahl and K. Kern
A tunable two-impurity Kondo system in an atomic point
Nature Physics, 7, 901 (2011), link, preprint
[29] J. Bork, L. Diekhöner, Z.
Li and J. Onsgaard
structure and ordering of multilayers of Co and Ag on Cu(111)
investigated by photoelectron spectroscopy
Surface Science, 604, 1536 (2010) pdf
[28] J. Bork, J. Onsgaard and
L. Diekhöner
Growth and structure of Ag on bilayer Co nanoislands
on Cu(111)
Journal of Physics:
Condensed Matter, 22, 135005 (2010) pdf
[27] J. Bork, P. Wahl, L.
Diekhöner and K. Kern
Potential Energy Landscape of Metallic Moire Patterns
New Journal of Physics, 11, 113051 (2009) pdf
[26] P. Wahl, A.P. Seitsonen, L.
Diekhöner, M. A. Schneider and K. Kern
Kondo-effect of
Substitutional Cobalt Impurities at Copper Surfaces
New Journal of Physics, 11, 113015 (2009) pdf
[25] P. Wahl, L. Diekhöner, M. A.
Schneider and K. Kern
Removal in Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of single Atoms and Molecules on
Metal Surfaces
Review of Scientific
Instruments, 79, 043104 (2008) pdf
[24] N.N. Negulyaev,
V.S. Stepanyuk, P. Bruno, L. Diekhöner, P. Wahl and K. Kern
Bilayer growth of nanoscale Co islands on Cu(111)
Physical Review B, 77, 125437 (2008) pdf
[23] A. Silva, K. Pedersen, L.
Diekhöner, P. Morgen, and Z. Li
Ordered Au(111) layers on Si(111)
Journal of Vacuum
Science and Technology, 25, 908-911 (2007) pdf
[22] P. Wahl, P. Simon, L.
Diekhöner, V.S. Stepanyuk, P. Bruno, M. A. Schneider
and K. Kern
Exchange interaction between single magnetic adatoms
Physical Review
Letters, 98, 056601 (2007) pdf
[21] M.A. Schneider, P. Wahl, L. Vitali, L. Diekhöner, R.
Vogelgesang, K. Kern
Local measurement of hot-electron phase-coherence at
metal surfaces
Applied Physics A; 88,
443-447 (2007) pdf
[20] P.Wahl, L. Diekhöner, G. Wittich, L. Vitali, M.A.
Schneider, and K. Kern
effect of molecular complexes at surfaces: Ligand control of the local spin
Review Letters, 95 166601 (2005) pdf
[19] M.A.
Schneider, P.Wahl, L. Diekhöner, L. Vitali, G.
Wittich and K. Kern
effect of Co adatoms on Ag monolayers on noble metal surfaces
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 44, 5328 (2005) pdf
[18] M.A.
Schneider, L. Vitali, P.Wahl, N. Knorr, L. Diekhöner,
G. Wittich, M. Vogelgesang and K. Kern
state of Co Kondo impurities at noble metal surfaces
Applied Physics A, 80, 937 (2005).
[17] P.
Wahl, L. Diekhöner, M.A. Schneider, L. Vitali, G. Wittich and K. Kern
temperature of magnetic impurities at surfaces
Review Letters, 93 176603 (2004) pdf
[16] S.
Ahlert, L. Diekhöner, R. Sordan, K. Kern and M.
step structure of Ag13OsO6, experimental evidence for Ag13
cluster building blocks
[15] M.
Roth, M. Weinelt, Th. Fauster, P.Wahl, M. A.
Schneider, L. Diekhöner and K. Kern
Scattering of image-potential-state electrons
by steps on Cu(001)
Applied Physics A; 78, 155-159
(2004) pdf
[14] P.
Wahl, M.A. Schneider, L. Diekhöner, R. Vogelgesang and K. Kern
Review Letters; 91 106802 (2003) pdf
[13] L. Diekhöner, M.A. Schneider, A.N. Baranov, V.S. Stepanyuk, P.
Bruno and K. Kern
states of cobalt nanoislands on Cu(111)
[12] H.
Mortensen, E. Jensen, L. Diekhöner, A. Baurichter, A.C. Luntz
and V.V. Petrunin
resolved inelastic scattering of N2 from Ru(0001)
[11] L.
Diekhöner, L. Hornekær, H. Mortensen, E. Jensen, A. Baurichter, V. V. Petrunin and A.C. Luntz
Evidence for strong non-adiabatic coupling in N2
associative desorption from and dissociative adsorption on Ru(0001)
of Chemical Physics; 117, 5018-5030 (2002) pdf
[10] N.
Knorr, M.A. Schneider, L. Diekhöner, P. Wahl and K. Kern
Physical Review Letters; 88, 968041 (2002) pdf
[9] H.
Mortensen, L. Diekhöner, A. Baurichter and A.C. Luntz
dissociation on Ru(0001): a view from both sides of
the barrier
of Chemical Physics; 116,
5781-5794 (2002) pdf
[8] L.
Diekhöner, H. Mortensen, A. Baurichter, E. Jensen, V. V. Petrunin
and A.C. Luntz
dissociative adsorption on Ru(0001): the role of
energy loss
of Chemical Physics; 115, 9028-9035 (2001) pdf
[7] L. Diekhöner, H. Mortensen, A. Baurichter
and A.C. Luntz
Assisted Associative Desorption of N2 and CO from Ru(0001)
of Chemical Physics; 115, 3356-3373 (2001) pdf
[6] L.
Diekhöner, H. Mortensen, C. Åkerlund, A. Baurichter and A.C. Luntz
Dynamic displacement of N2 from Ru(0001) by incident D and H
of Chemical Physics; 114, 4215-4220 (2001) pdf
[5] H.
Mortensen, L. Diekhöner, A. Baurichter, E. Jensen and A.C. Luntz
of ammonia decomposition on Ru(0001)
of Chemical Physics; 113, 6882-6887
(2000) pdf
[4] L.
Diekhöner, H. Mortensen, A. Baurichter and A.C. Luntz
dependence of activation barriers: Nitrogen on Ru(0001)
of Vacuum Science and Technology A; 18,
1509-1513 (2000) pdf
[3] L.
Diekhöner, H. Mortensen, A. Baurichter, A.C. Luntz
and B. Hammer
of high barrier surface reactions: Laser Assisted Associative Desorption of N2
from Ru(0001)
Review Letters; 84, 4906-4909 (2000)
[2] L.
Diekhöner, A. Baurichter, H. Mortensen and A.C. Luntz
of metastable atomic nitrogen adsorbed on Ru(0001)
of Chemical Physics; 112, 2507-2515
(2000) pdf
[1] L.
Diekhöner, D.A. Butler, A. Baurichter and A.C. Luntz
pathways in methanol decomposition on Pt(111)
Science; 409, 384-391 (1998) pdf
Conference Proceedings
L. Diekhöner, M.A. Schneider, P. Wahl, A.N.
Baranov, V.S. Stepanyuk, P. Bruno and K. Kern
Spin polarized surface states of cobalt nanoislands on Cu(111) [Invited paper]
AIP Conference Proc. 696, 53 (2003) [12th
International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and
Related Techniques] pdf
Dynamics of High Barrier Gas-surface Reactions
studied by Laser Assisted Associative Desorption
Universitet, Fysisk Institut, (2000) pdf