Thomas Garm Pedersen

 Thomas G. Pedersen, Professor, PhD
Dept. of Materials and Production
Aalborg University
Fibigerstræde 16
DK-9220 Aalborg East
Tel: +45 4160 1624







Research activities:

My present research interests are mainly focussed on six subjects:




·         Nanostructured graphene: optical, electronic and spintronics applications. See the Center for Nanostructured Graphene web page




·         Linear and nonlinear optical properties of quantum systems. See the QUSCOPE web page




·         Excitons in carbon nanotubes: Linear and nonlinear optical properties. See the Nanotube web page



·         Plasmonics for nanostructured solar cells.



·         The microscopic description of light interacting with confined electronic systems.



·         Optical and electronic properties of semiconductor nanocrystals for LED applications..





View my CV







Lecture notes on Electric, Optical and magnetic Properties of Nanostructures: HERE







Youtube Channel: Here




Lecture plan for PhD course “Optics at the Nanoscale”: Here

Lectures for PhD course “Optics at the Nanoscale”: KP1, TGP1, TGP2, TGP3, HC1, HC2, TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5, TS6, TS7, TS8

Lecture plan for PhD course “Simulation and Characterization at the Nanoscale”: Here

Lectures for PhD course “Simulation and Characterization at the Nanoscale”: TGP1, TGP2

Lecture plan for PhD course “Excited States and Optical Response Theory”: Here


Note and Matlab code on dipole operator from atoms to crystals: here and: here


Brochure Nanotechnology Study at AAU: here

1. Student project for 4. semester Nanotechnology: here

2. Student project for 4. semester Nanotechnology: here

1. Student project for 5. semester Nanotechnology: here

1. Student project for 6. semester Nanotechnology: here

2. Student project for 6. semester Nanotechnology: here

1. Student project for 7. semester Nanotechnology: here

2. Student project for 7. semester Nanotechnology: here

PowerPoint presentation: Plastics and Quantum Mechanics: here

Lectures in Quantum Mechanics: here

Lectures in Statistical Mechanics: here

Popular accounts


1.      T. Garm Pedersen,  "Nanoledningers optiske egenskaber", Aktuel Naturvidenskab p. 10, Nov. 1999. (in Danish)

2.      T. Garm Pedersen, T.B. Lynge, P.M. Johansen and K. Jespersen,  "Electro-optic polymers", DOPS-NYT 2, p. 34 (2002).

3.      K. Pedersen, T. Garm Pedersen, T.B. Kristensen, P. Morgen, Z. Li and S.V. Hoffmann,  "Nonlinear optics and photoemission in metallic quantum wells”, DOPS-NYT 2, p. 30 (2002).

4.      P.K. Kristensen, T. Garm Pedersen and P.M. Johansen,  "Polymer light emitting diodes”, DOPS-NYT 2, p. 9 (2003).

5.      K. Pedersen, S.I. Bozhevolnyi and T. Garm Pedersen, “Nano Optik”, Kvant (2004) (in Danish).

6.      T. Garm Pedersen, "Optical properties of conjugated polymers and nanotubes", DOPS-NYT 1, p. 11 (2005).

7.      T. Garm Pedersen, "Organiske nanolysdioder” i Nanoteknologi - 12 historier om den nyeste danske nanoforskning

 (, p. 38 (2006).

8.      T. Garm Pedersen,  "Tynd, tyndere, graphen", Aktuel Naturvidenskab p. 22, Jul. 2009. (in Danish)




Scientific papers


1.          O. Keller and T. Garm,  "Local field calculation for a spherical quantum dot with parabolic confinement", Phys. Scripta T54, 115 (1994).

2.          O. Keller and T. Garm, "Retarded Electromagnetic response of a spherical quantum dot: A self-consistent field calculation", Phys. Rev. B52, 4670 (1995).

3.          O. Keller and T. Garm, "Self-consistent local field formalism for quantum dots and quantum dot arrays", Coherence and Quantum Optics VII, Eds. J. Eberly, L. Mandel and E. Wolf (Plenum, NY, 1996) p. 621.

4.          T. Garm, "Exciton states in spherical parabolic GaAs quantum dots", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 8, 5725 (1996).

5.          O. Keller and T. Garm, "Intraparticle and interparticle radiative coupling in quantum dot arrays: influence of a magnetic field", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B13, 2121 (1996).

6.          T. Garm Pedersen and P.M. Johansen, "Mean-field theory of photoinduced molecular reorientation in azobenzene liquid crystalline side-chain polymers", Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2470 (1997).

7.          T. Garm Pedersen, P.M. Johansen, N.C.R. Holme, P.S. Ramanujam, and S. Hvilsted,  "Mean-field theory of photoinduced formation of surface reliefs in side-chain azobenzene polymers", Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 89 (1998).

8.          T. Garm Pedersen, P.M. Johansen, N.C.R. Holme, P.S. Ramanujam, and S. Hvilsted, "Theoretical model of photoinduced anisotropy in liquid crystalline azobenzene side-chain polyesters", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B15, 1120 (1998).

9.          T. Garm Pedersen and P.M. Johansen, "Mean-field theory of optical storage in liquid crystalline side-chain polymers", Opt. Mat. 9, 212 (1998).

10.       P.M. Johansen, H.C. Pedersen, T. Garm Pedersen, and J. Wyller, "Cascading solution of the space-charge field problem in ac field biased photorefractive media", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B15, 1168 (1998).

11.       T. Garm Pedersen, P.S. Ramanujam, P.M. Johansen, and S. Hvilsted, "Quantum theory and experimental studies of absorption spectra and photoisomerization of azobenzene polymers" J. Opt. Soc. Am. B15, 2721, (1998).

12.       K. Pedersen, T. Garm Pedersen, T.B. Kristensen, and P. Morgen, "Second-harmonic generation spectroscopy on quantum wells: Au on Si(111)", Appl. Phys. B68, 637 (1999).

13.       T.B. Kristensen, K. Pedersen, and T. Garm Pedersen, "Optical second-harmonic generation from a Au wedge on Si(111)", Phys. Stat. Sol. 175, 195 (1999).

14.       T. Garm Pedersen, K. Pedersen, and T.B. Kristensen, "Optical second-harmonic generation from Ag quantum wells on Si(111): Experiment and theory", Phys. Rev. B60, R13997 (1999).

15.       T. Garm Pedersen, K. Pedersen, and T.B. Kristensen, "Optical second-harmonic generation as a probe of quantum well states in ultrathin Au and Ag films deposited on Si(111)", Thin Solid Films 364, 86 (2000).

16.       T. Garm Pedersen, K. Pedersen, and T.B. Kristensen, "Theory of optical second-harmonic generation from quantum well states in ultrathin metal films on semiconductors", Phys. Rev. B61, 10255 (2000).

17.       T. Garm Pedersen, P.M. Johansen, and H. C. Pedersen, "Characterization of  azobenzene chromophores for reversible optical data storage: molecular quantum calculations" J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 2, 272 (2000).

18.       T. Garm Pedersen, P.M. Johansen, and H. C. Pedersen, "Particle-in-a-box model of one-dimensional excitons in conjugated polymers" Phys. Rev. B61, 10504 (2000).

19.       T. Garm Pedersen, "Particle-in-a-box model of exciton absorption and electroabsorption in conjugated polymers", Phys. Rev. B62, 15424 (2000).

20.       T. Garm Pedersen, K. Jespersen, and P.M. Johansen, "Rotational diffusion model of orientational enhancement in AC field biased photorefractive polymers", Opt. Mat. 18, 95 (2001).

21.       K. Pedersen, T.B. Kristensen, T. Garm Pedersen, P. Morgen, Z. Li, and S.V. Hoffmann, " Optical second harmonic generation and photoemission from quantum well states in thin Ag films on Si(111)", Surf. Sci. 482-485, 735 (2001).

22.       T. Garm Pedersen, K. Pedersen, and T.B. Kristensen, "Optical matrix elements in tight-binding calculations", Phys. Rev. B63, 201101(R) (2001).

23.       E. V. Podivilov, B. I. Sturman, P. M. Johansen, and T. Garm Pedersen, "On description of the photorefractive response in polymers", Opt. Lett. 26, 226 (2001).

24.       H.C. Pedersen, P.M. Johansen, and T. Garm Pedersen, "Analytical modeling of two beam coupling during grating translation in photorefractive polymers", Opt. Commun. 192, 377 (2001).

25.       J. Wyller, T. Garm Pedersen, and P.M. Johansen, "Mathematical properties of the rotational diffusion equation" J. Phys. A. 34, 6531 (2001).

26.       T. Garm Pedersen and T.B. Lynge, "Free-carrier and exciton Franz-Keldysh theory for one-dimensional semiconductors", Phys. Rev. B65, 085201 (2002).

27.       K. Pedersen, T.B. Kristensen, T. Garm Pedersen, P. Morgen, Z. Li, and S.V. Hoffmann, "Thin noble metal films on Si(111) investigated by optical second-harmonic generation and photoemission", Appl. Phys. B74, 677 (2002).

28.       K. Pedersen, T. B. Kristensen, T. Garm Pedersen, T. Jensen, P. Morgen, Z. Li, and S.V. Hoffman, “Photoemission and optical second-harmonic generation from Ag quantum wells on Si(111)7x7”, Phys. Scripta T101, 110 (2002).

29.       T. Garm Pedersen, K. Jespersen, P.M. Johansen, and J. Wyller, "DC and AC electro-optic response of chromophores in a viscoelastic polymer matrix: analytical model", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B19, 2622 (2002).

30.       T. Garm Pedersen and T.B. Lynge, "Analytic Franz-Keldysh effect in one-dimensional polar semiconductors", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, 3813 (2003).

31.       T. Garm Pedersen, K. Pedersen, P.K. Kristensen, J. Rafaelsen, N. Skivesen, Z. Li, and S.V. Hoffman, "Theoretical and experimental studies of photoemission from Al quantum wells on Si(111)", Surf. Sci. 516, 127, (2002).

32.       K. Pedersen, T. B. Kristensen, T. Garm Pedersen, P. Morgen, Z. Li, and S.V. Hoffman, “Optimum Cu buffer layer thickness for growth of metal overlayers on Si(111)”, Phys. Rev. B66, 153406 (2002).

33.       K. Pedersen, T. B. Kristensen, T. Garm Pedersen, T. Jensen, P. Morgen, Z. Li, and S.V. Hoffman, “Characterisation of Au films on Si(111) root(3) x root(3)–Au by photoemission and optical second-harmonic generation”, Surf. Sci. 523, 21 (2003).

34.       T. Garm Pedersen and T.B. Lynge, "Self-consistent model of high-field electro-optics in conjugated polymers", Mat. Sci. Eng. B 99, 563 (2003).

35.       T. Garm Pedersen and T.B. Lynge, "Ab initio tight-binding study of exciton optical and electro-optic properties of conjugated polymers", Comp. Mat. Sci. 27, 123 (2003).

36.       T.B. Lynge and T. Garm Pedersen, "Analytic and numerical electro-optic models of poly(para-phenylene)", Synth. Met. 138, 329 (2003).

37.       T.B. Lynge and T. Garm Pedersen, "Analytic expressions for linear optical susceptibilities of conjugated polymers", Phys. Rev. B67, 075206 (2003).

38.       T. Garm Pedersen, "Variational approach to excitons in carbon nanotubes", Phys. Rev. B67, 073401 (2003).

39.       T. Garm Pedersen, "Analytic calculation of the optical properties of graphite", Phys. Rev. B67, 113106 (2003).

40.       K. Pedersen, P. Morgen, T. Garm Pedersen, Z. Li, and S.V. Hoffman, “Epitaxial growth of thin Ag and Au films on Si(111) using copper silicide buffer layers”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A21, 1431 (2003).

41.       K. Jespersen, T. Garm Pedersen, and P.M. Johansen, "Electro-optic response of chromophores in a viscoelastic polymer matrix to a combined DC and AC poling field", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B20, 2179 (2003).

42.       K. Pedersen, P.K. Kristensen, J. Rafaelsen, N. Skivesen, T. Garm Pedersen, P. Morgen, Z. Li, and S.V. Hoffman, "Second-harmonic generation and photoemission from Al quantum wells on Si(111)", Thin Solid Films, 443, 78 (2003).

43.       D. Apitz, C. Svanberg, K.G. Jespersen, T. Garm Pedersen, and P.M. Johansen, “Orientational dynamics in dye-doped organic electro-optic materials”, J. Appl. Phys. 94, 6263 (2003).

44.       T. Garm Pedersen, “Density-functional-based tight-binding calculation of excitons in conjugated polymers”, Phys. Rev. B69, 075207 (2004).

45.       T. Garm Pedersen, "Exciton effects in carbon nanotubes", Carbon 42, 1007 (2004).

46.       T. Garm Pedersen, "Tight-binding theory of Faraday rotation in graphite", Phys. Rev. B68, 245104 (2003).

47.       T.B. Lynge and T. Garm Pedersen, “Density-functional-based tight-binding approach to phonon spectra of conjugated polymers”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 241, 1005 (2004).

48.       H. Cornean, P. Duclos, and T.Garm Pedersen, “One dimensional models of excitons in carbon nanotubes”, Few Body Systems 34, 155 (2004).

49.       T.B. Lynge and T. Garm Pedersen, “Density-functional-based tight-binding approach to polarons in conjugated polymers”, Comp. Mat. Sci. 30, 212 (2004).

50.       T. Garm Pedersen, T.B. Lynge, P.K. Kristensen, and P.M. Johansen, “Theoretical study of conjugated porphyrin polymers”, Thin Solid Films 182, 477 (2005).

51.       T. Garm Pedersen, "Biexcitons in carbon nanotubes", Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 13, 33 (2005).

52.       T. Garm Pedersen, K. Pedersen, H. Cornean, and P. Duclos, "Stability and signatures of biexcitons in carbon nanotubes", Nano Lett. 5, 291 (2005).

53.       T. Garm Pedersen, "Quantum size effects in ZnO nanowires", Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 2, 4026 (2005).

54.       P.K.Kristensen, J.Rafaelsen, T. Garm Pedersen, and K. Pedersen, "Diffusion voltage in polymer light emitting diodes measured with electric field induced second harmonic generation ", Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 2, 3993 (2005).

55.       H.D. Cornean, G. Nenciu, and T. Garm Pedersen, “The Faraday effect revisited: General theory”, J. Math. Phys. 47, 013511 (2006).

56.       P.A. Baeza, K. Pedersen, J. Rafaelsen, T.Garm Pedersen, P. Morgen, and Z. Li, “Epitaxial growth of Al on Si(111) with Cu buffer layer”, Surf. Sci. 600, 610 (2006).

57.       T. Garm Pedersen, "Optical excitations in C60/PPV composites", J. Non-cryst. Solids, 352, 2488 (2006).

58.       K. Pedersen, T. Garm Pedersen, and P. Morgen, “Surface and interface resonances in second harmonic generation from metallic quantum wells on Si(111)”, Phys. Rev. B73, 125440 (2006).

59.       A. Zarifi and T. Garm Pedersen "Analytic approach to the linear susceptibility of zigzag carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B. 74, 155434 (2006).

60.       P.K. Kristensen, T. Garm Pedersen, K. Zhu, and D. Yu, ”Energy transfer from poly-fluorene based Polymer to Europium Complex”, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 37, 57 (2007).

61.       T. Garm Pedersen "Exact polarizability of low-dimensional excitons", Solid State Commun. 141, 569 (2007).

62.       T. Garm Pedersen and H. Cornean, "Optical second harmonic generation from Wannier Excitons", Europhysics Letters 78, 27005 (2007).

63.       A. Zarifi, C. Fisker, and T. Garm Pedersen, "Theoretical study of the quadratic electro-optic effect in semiconducting zigzag carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B76, 45403 (2007).

64.       H.D. Cornean, T. Garm Pedersen, and B. Ricaud, “Perturbative vs. variational methods in the study of carbon nanotubes”, Cont. Math. 447, 45 (2007).

65.       A. Zarifi and T. Garm Pedersen "Theoretical analysis of the Faraday effect in semiconducting zigzag carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B. 77, 85409 (2008).

66.       D. Yu, K. Zhu, P.K. Kristensen, T. Garm Pedersen, and R. Wimmer ”Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) derivatives containing electron-transporting 1,10-phenanthroline segments”, Polymer Preprints 48, 105 (2008).

67.       C. Fisker and T. Garm Pedersen "Quantised electron states in nearly depleted hexagonal nanowires”, Nanotechnology 19, 115704 (2008).

68.       K. Pedersen, C. Fisker, and T. Garm Pedersen "Second-harmonic generation from ZnO nanowires”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 5, 2671 (2008).

69.       T.  Garm Pedersen, C. Flindt, J. Pedersen, N.A. Mortensen, A-P. Jauho, and K. Pedersen “Graphene antidot lattices - designed defects and spin qubits”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 136804 (2008).

70.       A. Zarifi and T. Garm Pedersen “Linear optical and quadratic electro-optic response of carbon nanotubes: universal analytic expressions for arbitrary chirality”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 275211 (2008).

71.       T. Garm Pedersen, C. Flindt, J. Pedersen, A-P. Jauho, N.A. Mortensen, and K. Pedersen “Optical properties of graphene antidot lattices”, Phys. Rev. B. 77, 245431 (2008).

72.       C. Fisker and T. Garm Pedersen "Density functional based tight binding modelling of ZnO structures”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 246, 354 (2009).

73.       T. Garm Pedersen and K. Pedersen, ”Systematic tight-binding study of optical second harmonic generation in carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B. 79, 035422 (2009).

74.       T. Garm Pedersen, A-P. Jauho, and K. Pedersen “Optical response and excitons in gapped graphene”, Phys. Rev. B. 79, 113406 (2009).

75.       T. Garm Pedersen, P. Modak, K. Pedersen, N. E. Christensen, M. M. Kjeldsen, and A. Nylandsted Larsen, ”Ab initio calculation of electronic and optical properties of metallic tin”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 115502 (2009).

76.       T.F. Rønnow, T. Garm Pedersen, and H. Cornean “Stability of singlet and triplet trions in carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Lett. A. 373, 1478 (2009).

77.       K. Pedersen and T. Garm Pedersen, “Spectroscopic second harmonic generation from Silicon on Insulator wafers”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B26, 917 (2009).

78.       J. A. Fürst, T. Garm Pedersen, M. Brandbyge, and A-P. Jauho “Density functional study of graphene antidot lattices: Roles of geometrical relaxation and spin”, Phys. Rev. B. 80, 115117 (2009).

79.       J. A. Fürst, J.G. Pedersen, C. Flindt, N.A. Mortensen, M. Brandbyge, T. Garm Pedersen, and A-P. Jauho “Electronic structure of graphene antidot lattices”, New J. Phys. 11, 095020 (2009).

80.       R. Petersen and T. Garm Pedersen “Quasiparticle properties of graphene antidot lattices”, Phys. Rev. B. 80, 113404 (2009).

81.       A. Zarifi and T. Garm Pedersen “Universal analytic expression of electric dipole matrix elements for carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B. 80, 195422 (2009).

82.       T. Garm Pedersen, C. Fisker, and R.V.S. Jensen, ”Tight-binding parameterization of -Sn quasiparticle band structure”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids. 71, 18 (2010).

83.       R. Balog, B. Jørgensen, L. Nilsson, M. Andersen, E. Rienks, M. Bianchi, M. Fanetti, E. Lægsgaard,  A. Baraldi, S. Lizzit, Z. Sljivancanin, F. Besenbacher, B. Hammer, T. Garm Pedersen, P. Hofmann, and L. Hornekær, “Band Gap Opening in Graphene Induced by Patterned Hydrogen Adsorption”, Nature Materials 9, 315 (2010).

84.       J. Jung, T. Garm Pedersen, T. Søndergaard, K. Pedersen, A. Nylandsted Larsen, and B. Bech Nielsen ”Electrostatic plasmon resonances of metal nanospheres in layered geometries”, Phys. Rev. B. 81, 125413 (2010).

85.       S.V. Goupalov, A. Zarifi, and T. Garm Pedersen ”Calculation of optical matrix elements in carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B. 81, 153402 (2010).

86.       T.F. Rønnow, T. Garm Pedersen, and H. Cornean “Correlation and dimensional effects of trions in carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B. 81, 205446 (2010).

87.       M. M. Kjeldsen, J. L. Hansen, T. Garm Pedersen, P. Gaiduk,  and A. Nylandsted Larsen ”Tuning the plasmon resonance of metallic tin nanocrystals in Si-based materials”, Appl. Phys. A. 100, 31, (2010).

88.       T. Garm Pedersen, "Excitons on the surface of a sphere", Phys. Rev. B. 81, 233406 (2010).

89.       J. Jung, T. Garm Pedersen, T. Søndergaard, K. Pedersen, A. Nylandsted Larsen, and B. Bech Nielsen ”On localized surface plasmons of metallic tin nanoparticles in silicon”, Phys. Stat. Sol. RRL  4, 292 (2010).

90.       T.F. Rønnow, T. Garm Pedersen, and H. Cornean “Dimensional and correlation effects of charged excitons in low-dimensional semiconductors”, J. Phys. A. 43, 474031 (2010).

91.       Y.-W. Lu, B. Julsgaard, M.C. Petersen, R.V.S. Jensen, T. Garm Pedersen, K. Pedersen, and A. Nylandsted Larsen, “Erbium diffusion in silicon dioxide”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 141903 (2010).

92.       T. Søndergaard, J. Gadegaard, P.K. Kristensen, T. Kari Jensen, T. Garm Pedersen, and K. Pedersen, ”Guidelines for 1D-periodic surface microstructures for antireflective lenses”, Opt. Express. 18, 26245 (2010).

93.       R. Petersen, T. Garm Pedersen, and A.-P. Jauho, “Clar sextet analysis of triangular, rectangular and honeycomb graphene antidot lattices”, ACS Nano 5, 523 (2011).

94.       J. Jung, T. Søndergaard, T. Garm Pedersen, K. Pedersen, A. Nylandsted Larsen, and B. Bech Nielsen ”Dyadic Green’s functions of thin films: applications within plasmonic solar cells”, Phys. Rev. B. 83, 085419 (2011).

95.       T. Garm Pedersen, J. Jung, T. Søndergaard, and K. Pedersen, ”Nanoparticle plasmon resonances in the near-static limit”, Opt. Lett. 36, 713 (2011).

96.       R.V.S. Jensen, T. Garm Pedersen, and K. Pedersen ”Optical properties and size/shape dependence of -Sn nanocrystals by tight binding”, Phys. Stat. Sol. C. 8, 1002 (2011).

97.       T.F. Rønnow, T. Garm Pedersen, B. Partoens, and K. K. Berthelsen, “Variational quantum monte carlo study of charged excitons in fractional dimensional space”, Phys. Rev. B. 84, 035316 (2011).

98.       M. H. Schultz, A.-P. Jauho, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Screening in graphene antidot lattices”, Phys. Rev. B. 84, 045428 (2011).

99.       T. Kari, J. Gadegaard, D. T. Jørgensen, T. Søndergaard, T. Garm Pedersen, and K. Pedersen, “Compact lens with circular spot profile for square die LEDs in multi-LED projectors”, Appl. Opt. 50, 4860 (2011).

100.   B. Julsgaard, Y.-W. Lu, R.V.S. Jensen, T. Garm Pedersen, K. Pedersen, J. Chevallier, P. Balling, and A. Nylandsted Larsen, “Er sensitization by a thin Si layer: Interaction-distance dependence”, Phys. Rev. B. 84, 085403 (2011).

101.   R.V.S. Jensen, T. Garm Pedersen, and A. Nylandsted Larsen, ”Quasiparticle electronic and optical properties of the Si-Sn system”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 345501 (2011).

102.   B. Johansen, C. Uhrenfeldt, A. Nylandsted Larsen, T. Garm Pedersen, H. U. Ulriksen, P. Kjær Kristensen, J. Jung, T. Søndergaard, and K. Pedersen, “Optical transmission through two-dimensional arrays of beta-Sn nanoparticles”, Phys. Rev. B. 84, 113405 (2011).

103.   J. G. Pedersen and T. Garm Pedersen, “Tight-binding study of the magneto-optical properties of gapped graphene”, Phys. Rev. B. 84, 115424 (2011).

104.   T. Kari, J. Gadegaard, T. Søndergaard, T. Garm Pedersen, and K. Pedersen, ”Reliability of point source approximations in compact LED lens designs”, Opt. Express 19, A1190 (2011).

105.   J. Jung, M.L. Trolle, K. Pedersen, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Indirect near-field absorption mediated by localized surface plasmons”, Phys. Rev. B. 84, 165447 (2011).

106.   J. Jung and T. Garm Pedersen, “Exact polarizability and plasmon resonances of partly buried nanowires”, Opt. Express. 19, 22775 (2011).

107.   T.F. Rønnow, T. Garm Pedersen, and B. Partoens, “Biexciton binding energy in fractional dimensional semiconductors”, Phys. Rev. B 85, 045412 (2012).

108.   J. G. Pedersen and T. Garm Pedersen, “Dirac model of an isolated graphene antidot in a magnetic field”, Phys. Rev. B 85, 035413 (2012).

109.   J. Jung and T. Garm Pedersen, “Polarizability of nanowires at surfaces: Exact solution for general geometry”, Opt. Express 20, 3663 (2012).

110.   T.F. Rønnow, T. Garm Pedersen, and H. Cornean, “Optical absorption of charged excitons in semiconducting carbon nanotubes”, Physica E. 44, 936 (2012).

111.   R. Petersen, T. Garm Pedersen, and A.-P. Jauho, “Clar sextets in square graphene antidot lattices”, Physica E. 44, 967 (2012).

112.   M.L. Trolle and T. Garm Pedersen, “Indirect optical absorption in silicon via thin-film surface plasmon”, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 43103 (2012).

113.   J. G. Pedersen and T. Garm Pedersen, “Band gaps in graphene via periodic electrostatic gating”, Phys. Rev. B 85, 235432 (2012).

114.   C. Fisker, M.L. Trolle and T. Garm Pedersen, “Modelling amorphous silicon with hydrogenated defects: GW treatment of the ST12 phase”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 325803 (2012).

115.   J. Jung and T. Garm Pedersen, “Polarizability of supported metal nanoparticles: Mehler-Fock approach”, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 64312 (2012).

116.   T. Garm Pedersen and J. G. Pedersen, “Transport in graphene antidot barriers and tunneling devices”, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 113715 (2012).

117.   J. G. Pedersen, T. Gunst, T. Markussen, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Graphene antidot lattice waveguides”, Phys. Rev. B. 86, 245410 (2012).

118.   J. G. Pedersen, M.H. Brynildsen, H. Cornean, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Optical Hall conductivity in bulk and nanostructured graphene beyond the Dirac approximation”, Phys. Rev. B. 86, 235438 (2012).

119.   Y.-C. Tsao, T. Søndergaard, E. Skovsen, L. Gurevich, K. Pedersen, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Pore size dependence of diffuse light scattering from anodized aluminum solar cell backside reflectors”, Opt. Express. 21, A84 (2013).

120.   C. Fisker and T. Garm Pedersen, “Optimization of imprintable nanostructured a-Si solar cells: FDTD study”, Opt. Express 21, A208 (2013).

121.   C. Uhrenfeldt, T. F. Villesen, B. Johansen, T. Garm Pedersen, and A. Nylandsted Larsen, “Tuning plasmon resonances for light coupling into silicon: a rule of thumb for experimental design”, Plasmonics 8, 79 (2013).

122.   J. Jung and T. Garm Pedersen, “Analysis of plasmonic properties of heavily doped semiconductors using full band structure calculations”, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 114904 (2013).

123.   T. Garm Pedersen and J. G. Pedersen, ”Self-consistent tight-binding model of B- and N-doping in graphene”, Phys. Rev. B. 87, 155433 (2013).

124.   J. G. Pedersen and T. Garm Pedersen, “Hofstadter butterflies and magnetically induced band gap quenching in graphene antidot lattices”, Phys. Rev. B. 87, 235404 (2013).

125.   M.L. Trolle and T. Garm Pedersen, “Second harmonic generation in carbon nanotubes induced by transversal electrostatic field”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 25, 325301 (2013).

126.   C. Uhrenfeldt, T. F. Villesen, B. Johansen, J. Jung, T. Garm Pedersen, and A. Nylandsted Larsen, “Diffractive coupling and plasmon-enhanced photocurrent generation in silicon”, Opt. Express. 21, A774 (2013).

127.   M.L. Trolle, U.S. Møller, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Large and stable band gaps in spin-polarized graphene antidot lattices”, Phys. Rev. B. 88, 195418 (2013).

128.   Y.-C. Tsao, C. Fisker, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Optical absorption of amorphous silicon on anodized aluminium substrates for solar cell applications”, Opt. Commun. 315, 17 (2014).

129.   Y.-C. Tsao, C. Fisker, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Nanoimprinted backside reflectors for a-Si:H thin-film solar cells: Critical role of absorber front textures”, Opt. Express. 22, A651 (2014).

130.   X. Zhu, W. Wang, W. Yan, M.B. Larsen, P. Bøggild, T. Garm Pedersen, S. Xiao, J. Zi, and N. A. Mortensen, “Plasmon-phonon coupling in large-area graphene dot and antidot arrays fabricated by nanosphere lithography”, Nano Lett. 14, 2907 (2014).

131.   S.J. Brun, M. Thomsen, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Electronic and optical properties of graphene antidot lattices: Comparison of Dirac and tight-binding models”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26, 265301 (2014).

132.   M.L. Trolle, G. Seifert, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Theory of excitonic second harmonic generation in monolayer MoS2”, Phys. Rev. B. 89, 235410 (2014).

133.   M. Thomsen, S.J. Brun, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Dirac model of electronic transport in graphene antidot barriers”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26, 335301 (2014).

134.   T. Søndergaard, Y.-C. Tsao, P.K. Kristensen, T. Garm Pedersen, and K. Pedersen, “Light-trapping in guided modes of thin-film-silicon-on-silver waveguides by scattering from a nanostrip“, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 31, 2036 (2014).

135.   T. Søndergaard, Y.-C. Tsao, T. Garm Pedersen, and K. Pedersen, “Light-trapping in thin-film solar cells: the role of guided modes“, Proc. SPIE 9177 (2014).

136.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Self-consistent model of edge doping in graphene”, Phys. Rev. B. 91, 085428 (2015).

137.   M. Thomsen, S.J. Brun, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Stability and magnetization of free-standing and graphene-embedded iron membranes”, Phys. Rev. B. 91, 125439 (2015).

138.   R. Petersen and T. Garm Pedersen,Bandgap scaling in bilayer graphene antidot lattices”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 27, 225502 (2015).

139.   S.J. Brun and T. Garm Pedersen, “Intense and tunable second-harmonic generation in biased bilayer graphene”, Phys. Rev. B. 91, 205405 (2015).

140.   Y.-C. Tsao, T. Søndergaard, P. K. Kristensen, R. Rizzoli, K. Pedersen, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Rapid fabrication and trimming of nanostructured backside reflector for thin-film amorphous silicon solar cells”, Appl. Phys. A. 120, 417 (2015).

141.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Analytical models of optical response in one dimensional semiconductors”, Phys. Lett. A. 379, 1785 (2015).

142.   S.K. Ram, R. Rizzoli, D. Desta, B.R. Jeppesen, M. Bellettato, I. Samatov, Y.-C. Tsao, P.T. Neuvonen, S.R. Johannsen, P.B. Jensen, J.L. Hansen, T. Garm Pedersen, R.N. Pereira, K. Pedersen, P. Balling, and A.N. Larsen, “Directly patterned TiO2 nanostructures for efficient light harvesting in thin film solar cells”, J. Phys. D. 48, 365101 (2015).

143.   M.L. Trolle and T. Garm Pedersen, “Excitonic lifetimes and optical response of carbon nanotubes modulated by electrostatic gating”, Phys Rev. B. 92, 085431 (2015).

144.   H. Mera, T. Garm Pedersen, and B.K. Nikolic, “Nonperturbative quantum physics from low-order perturbation theory”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 143001 (2015).

145.   M.L. Trolle, Y.-C. Tsao, K. Pedersen, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Observation of excitonic resonances in the second harmonic spectrum of MoS2”, Phys. Rev. B. 92, 161409(R) (2015).

146.    M. R. Thomsen, M. Ervasti, A. Harju, and T. Garm Pedersen, ”Spin relaxation in hydrogenated graphene”, Phys. Rev. B. 92, 195408 (2015).

147.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Intraband effects in excitonic second harmonic generation”, Phys. Rev. B. 92, 235432 (2015).

148.   T. Garm Pedersen, H. Mera, and B.K. Nikolic, “Stark effect in low-dimensional hydrogen”, Phys. Rev. A. 93, 013409 (2016).

149.   J. Gadegaard, T.K. Jensen, D.T. Jørgensen, P.K. Kristensen, T. Søndergaard, T. Garm Pedersen, and K. Pedersen, “High output LED-based light-engine for profile lighting fixtures with high color-uniformity using free-form reflectors”, Appl. Opt. 55, 1356 (2016).

150.   S.J. Brun, V.M. Pereira, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Boron and nitrogen doping in graphene antidot lattices”, Phys. Rev. B. 93, 245420 (2016).

151.   R. Petersen, T. Garm Pedersen, M. N. Gjerding, and K. S. Thygesen, “Limitations of effective medium theory in multilayer graphite/hBN heterostructures”, Phys. Rev. B. 94, 035128 (2016).

152.   T. Garm Pedersen, S. Latini, K. S. Thygesen, H. Mera, and B.K. Nikolic, ”Exciton ionization in multilayer transition-metal dichalcogenides”, New J. Phys. 18, 073043 (2016).

153.   M. R. Thomsen, S. Power, A.-P. Jauho, and T. Garm Pedersen, ”Magnetic edge states and magnetotransport in graphene antidot barriers”, Phys. Rev. B. 94, 045438 (2016).

154.   F. Hipolito, T. Garm Pedersen, and V.M. Pereira, “Non-linear photocurrents in two-dimensional systems based on graphene and boron-nitride”, Phys. Rev. B. 94, 045434 (2016).

155.   T. Garm Pedersen, ”Exciton Stark shift and electroabsorption in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides”, Phys. Rev. B. 94, 125424 (2016).

156.   H. Mera, T. Garm Pedersen, and B.K. Nikolic, “Hypergeometric resummation of self-consistent sunset diagrams for steady-state electron-boson quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium”, Phys. Rev. B. 64, 165429 (2016).

157.   M. L. Trolle, T. Garm Pedersen, and V. Veniard, “Model dielectric function for 2D semiconductors including substrate screening”, Sci. Rep. 7, 39844 (2017).

158.   D. Dimitrovski, L. B. Madsen, and T. Garm Pedersen, ”High-order harmonic generation from gapped graphene: perturbative response and transition to non-perturbative regime”, Phys. Rev. B. 95, 035405 (2017).

159.   F. Bonabi and T. Garm Pedersen, ”Linear and nonlinear Franz-Keldysh effect in one-dimensional semiconductors”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 29, 165702 (2017).

160.   T. Garm Pedersen, ”Stark effect in finite-barrier quantum wells, wires, and dots”, New J. Phys. 19, 043011 (2017).

161.   J. Have, H. Kovarik, T. Garm Pedersen, and H. D. Cornean, “On the existence of impurity bound excitons in one-dimensional systems with zero range interactions”, J. Math. Phys. 58, 052106 (2017).

162.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Nonlinear optical response of relativistic energy bands: Application to phosphorene”, Phys. Rev. B. 95, 235419 (2017).

163.   D. Dimitrovski, T. Garm Pedersen, and L. B. Madsen, ”Floquet-Bloch shifts in two-band semiconductors interacting with light”, Phys. Rev. A. 95, 063420 (2017).

164.   M. R. Thomsen and T. Garm Pedersen, ”Analytical Dirac model of graphene rings, dots, and antidots in magnetic fields”, Phys. Rev. B. 95, 235427 (2017).

165.   M. Gjerding, R. Petersen, T. Garm Pedersen, N. A. Mortensen, and K. S. Thygesen, “Layered van der Waals crystals with hyperbolic light dispersion”, Nature Commun. 8, 320 (2017).

166.   S. R. Power, M. R. Thomsen, A-P. Jauho, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Electron trajectories and magnetotransport in nanopatterned graphene under commensurability conditions”, Phys. Rev. B. 96, 075425 (2017).

167.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Stark effect and polarizability of graphene quantum dots”, Phys. Rev. B. 96, 115 432 (2017).

168.   F. Bonabi, S. J. Brun, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Excitonic optical response of carbon chains confined in single-walled carbon nanotubes”, Phys. Rev. B. 96, 155419 (2017).

169.   A. Taghizadeh, F. Hipolito, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Linear and nonlinear optical response of crystals using length and velocity gauges: Effect of basis truncation”, Phys. Rev. B. 96, 195413 (2017).

170.   R. Petersen, T. Garm Pedersen, and F. Javier García de Abajo, “Nonlocal plasmonic response of doped and optically pumped graphene, MoS2, and black phosphorus”, Phys. Rev. B. 96, 205430 (2017).

171.   E. J. H. Skjølstrup, T. Søndergaard, K. Pedersen, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Optics of multiple grooves in metal: transition from high scattering to strong absorption”, J. Nanophoton. 11, 046023 (2017).

172.   F. Hipolito and T. Garm Pedersen, “Optical third harmonic generation in black phosphorus”, Phys. Rev. B. 97, 035431 (2018).

173.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Sum rules for zeros and intersections of Bessel functions from quantum mechanical perturbation theory”, Phys. Lett. A. 382, 1837 (2018).

174.   J. Have and T. Garm Pedersen, “Magneto-excitons and Faraday rotation in single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons”, Phys. Rev. B. 97, 115405 (2018).

175.   E. J. H. Skjølstrup, T. Søndergaard, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Quantum spill-out in few-nanometer metal gaps: Effect on gap plasmons and reflectance from ultrasharp groove arrays”, Phys. Rev. B. 97, 115429 (2018).

176.   M. Massicotte, F. Vialla, P. Schmidt, M. Lundeberg, S. Latini, S. Haastrup, M. Danovich, D. Davydovskaya, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, V. Fal'ko, K. Thygesen, T. Garm Pedersen, and F. H. L. Koppens, “Dissociation of two-dimensional excitons in monolayer WSe2”, Nature Commun. 9, 1633 (2018).

177.   A. Taghizadeh and T. Garm Pedersen, “Gauge invariance of excitonic linear and nonlinear optical response”, Phys. Rev. B. 97, 205432 (2018).

178.   H. Mera, T. Garm Pedersen, and B.K. Nikolic, “Fast summation of divergent series and resurgent transseries in quantum field theories from Meijer-G approximants”, Phys. Rev. D. 97, 105027 (2018).

179.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Linear and nonlinear optical and spin-optical response of gapped and proximitized graphene”, Phys. Rev. B. 98, 165425 (2018).

180.   F. Hipolito, A. Taghizadeh, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Nonlinear optical response of doped mono- and bilayer graphene: Length gauge tight-binding model”, Phys. Rev. B. 98, 205420 (2018).

181.   F. Bonabi and T. Garm Pedersen, “Franz-Keldysh effect and electric field-induced second harmonic generation in graphene: From one-dimensional nanoribbons to two-dimensional sheet”, Phys. Rev. B. 99, 045413 (2019).

182.   J. Have, G. Catarina, T. Garm Pedersen, and N. M. R. Peres, “Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides in strong magnetic fields: Validating the Wannier model using a microscopic calculation”, Phys. Rev. B. 99, 035416 (2019).

183.   B. S. Jessen, L. Gammelgaard, M. R. Thomsen, D. M. A. Mackenzie, J. D. Thomsen, J. M. Caridad, E. Duegaard, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, T. J. Booth, T. Garm Pedersen, A.-P. Jauho, and P. Bøggild, “Lithographic band structure engineering of graphene”, Nature Nanotech. 14, 340 (2019).

184.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Yukawa model of screening in low-dimensional excitons: Diagonalization, perturbation, variation, and resummation analysis”, J. Phys.: Commun. 3, 035021 (2019).

185.   F. Vialla, M. Danovich, D. Ruiz-Tijerina, M. Massicotte, P. Schmidt, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, R. J. Hunt, M. Szyniszewski, N. Drummond, T. Garm Pedersen, V. Fal'ko, and F. Koppens, “Tuning of impurity-bound interlayer complexes in a van der Waals heterobilayer”, 2D Mater. 6, 035032 (2019).

186.   E. J. H. Skjølstrup, T. Søndergaard, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Quantum spill-out in nanometer-thin gold slabs: Effect on the plasmon mode index and the plasmonic absorption”, Phys. Rev. B. 99, 155427 (2019).

187.   F. Hipolito, D. Dimitrovski, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Iterative approach to arbitrary nonlinear optical response functions of graphene”, Phys. Rev. B. 99, 195407 (2019).

188.   H. U. Ulriksen, T. Søndergaard, T. Garm Pedersen, and K. Pedersen, “Plasmon enhanced light scattering into semiconductors by aperiodic metal nanowire arrays”, Opt. Express. 27, 14308 (2019).

189.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Stark effect in spherical quantum dots”, Phys. Rev. A. 99, 063410 (2019).

190.   A. Taghizadeh and T. Garm Pedersen, “Nonlinear optical selection rules of excitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides”, Phys. Rev. B. 99, 235433 (2019).

191.   J. Have, N. M. R. Peres, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Excitonic magneto-optics in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides: From nanoribbons to two-dimensional response”, Phys. Rev. B. 100, 045411, (2019).

192.   H. C. Kamban and T. Garm Pedersen, “Field-induced dissociation of two-dimensional excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides”, Phys. Rev. B. 100, 045307, (2019).

193.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Giant Stark effect in coupled quantum wells: Analytical model”, Phys. Rev. B. 100, 155410 (2019).

194.   A. Taghizadeh and T. Garm Pedersen, “Plasmons in ultra-thin gold slabs with quantum spill-out: Fourier modal method, perturbative approach, and analytical model“, Opt. Express. 27, 36941 (2019).

195.   A. Taghizadeh and T. Garm Pedersen, “Nonlinear excitonic spin Hall effect in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides”, 2D Mater. 7, 015003 (2020).

196.   H. C. Kamban, S. S. Christensen, T. Søndergaard, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Finite-difference time-domain simulation of strong-field ionization: Perfectly matched layer approach”, Phys. Stat. Sol. B 257, 1900467 (2020).

197.   H. C. Kamban and T. Garm Pedersen, “Interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures: Binding energy, Stark shift, and field-induced dissociation”, Sci. Rep. 10, 5537 (2020).

198.   A. Rodríguez Echarri, E. J. H. Skjølstrup, T. Garm Pedersen, and F. Javier García de Abajo, “Theory of EELS in atomically thin metallic films”, Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 023096 (2020).

199.   T. Garm Pedersen, ”Hypergeometric resummation approach to dissociation and Stark effect in non-rigid dipolar molecules”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 53, 175101 (2020).

200.   A. Taghizadeh, U. Leffers, T. Garm Pedersen, and K. S. Thygesen, ”A library of ab initio Raman spectra for automated identification of 2D materials”, Nature Commun. 11, 3011 (2020).

201.   T. Garm Pedersen, ”Graphene fractals: Energy gap and spin polarization”, Phys Rev. B. 101, 235427 (2020).

202.   J. C. G. Henriques, H. C. Kamban, T. Garm Pedersen, and N. M. R. Peres, ”Analytical quantitative semi-classical approach to the LoSurdo-Stark effect and ionization in 2D excitons”, Phys. Rev B. 102, 035402 (2020).

203.   T. Garm Pedersen, ”Magnetoplasmon resonances in nanoparticles”, Phys. Rev. B. 102, 075410 (2020).

204.   H. C. Kamban, N. M. R. Peres, and T. Garm Pedersen, ”Anisotropic Stark shift, field-induced dissociation, and electroabsorption of excitons in phosphorene”, Phys. Rev. B. 102, 115305 (2020).

205.   H. Cornean, H. Kovarik, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Impurity-bound excitons in one and two dimensions”, J. Spectr. Theor. 10, 1103 (2020).

206.   J. C. G. Henriques, T. Garm Pedersen, and N. M. R. Peres, “Ionisation rate and Stark shift of a one-dimensional model of the Hydrogen molecular ion” Eur. J. Phys. 42, 025403 (2021).

207.   T. Garm Pedersen, ”Plasmons and magnetoplasmon resonances in nanorings”, Phys. Rev. B. 103, 085419 (2021).

208.   A. Taghizadeh, K. S. Thygesen and T. Garm Pedersen, “Two-dimensional materials with giant optical nonlinearities near the theoretical upper limit”, ACS Nano 15, 7155 (2021).

209.   M. O. Sauer, C. E. M. Nielsen, L. Merring-Mikkelsen, and T. Garm Pedersen, ”Optical emission from light-like and particle-like excitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides”, Phys. Rev. B. 103, 205404 (2021).

210.   M. N. Gjerding, A. Taghizadeh, A. Rasmussen, S. Ali, F. Bertoldo, T. Deilmann, U. P. Holguin, N. R. Knøsgaard, M. Kruse, A. H. Larsen, S. Manti, T. Garm Pedersen, T. Skovhus, M. K. Svendsen, J. J. Mortensen, T. Olsen and K. S. Thygesen, ”Recent progress of the computational 2D materials database (C2DB)”, 2D Mater. 8, 044002 (2021).

211.   J. C. G. Henriques, H. C. Kamban, T. Garm Pedersen, and N. M. R. Peres, “Calculation of the nonlinear response functions of intra-exciton transitions in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides”, Phys. Rev. B. 103, 235412 (2021).

212.   T. Garm Pedersen and A. Taghizadeh, “Excitonic two-photon absorption in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides: Impact of screening and trigonal warping”, Phys. Rev. B. 104, 085431 (2021).

213.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Dynamic polarizability of low-dimensional excitons”, Phys. Rev. B. 104, 155414 (2021).

214.   H. C. Kamban and T. Garm Pedersen, “Efficient ionization of two-dimensional excitons by intense single-cycle terahertz pulses”, Phys. Rev. B. 104, 235305 (2021).

215.   T. Garm Pedersen, “An exact and compact formula for the optical intersubband response of finite-barrier quantum wells, wires and dots”, Phys. Lett. A. 423, 127821 (2022).

216.   M. O. Sauer and T. Garm Pedersen, ”Exciton absorption, band structure, and optical emission in biased bilayer graphene”, Phys. Rev. B. 105, 115416 (2022).

217.   H. Cornean, D. Krejcirik, T. Garm Pedersen, N. Raymond, and E. Stockmeyer, “On the two-dimensional quantum confined Stark effect in strong electric fields", SIAM J. Math. Anal. 54, 2114 (2022).

218.   T. Garm Pedersen and H. Cornean, “Enhanced Stark effect in Dirac materials”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 34, 435301 (2022).

219.   T. Garm Pedersen, H. Cornean, D. Krejcirik, N. Raymond, and E. Stockmeyer, “Stark-localization as a probe of nanostructure geometry”, New J. Phys. 24, 093005 (2022).

220.   A. J. H. Jones, L. Gammelgaard, M. O. Sauer, D. Biswas, R. J. Koch, C. Jozwiak, E. Rotenberg, A. Bostwick, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, C. R. Dean, A.-P. Jauho, P. Bøggild, T. Garm Pedersen, B. S. Jessen, S. Ulstrup, “Nanoscale view of engineered massive Dirac quasiparticles in lithographic graphene superstuctures”, ACS Nano 16, 19354 (2022).

221.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Coulomb-Zeeman-Stark problem in two dimensions”, Phys. Rev. A. 107, 022804 (2023).

222.   M. O. Sauer, A. Taghizadeh, U. Petralanda, M. Ovesen, K. S. Thygesen, T. Olsen, H. Cornean, and T. Garm Pedersen, “Shift current photovoltaic efficiency of 2D materials”, npj Comput. Mat. 9, 35 (2023).

223.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Zeeman-Stark problem in a two-dimensional disk”, Phys. Rev. A. 107, 052207 (2023).

224.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Stark effect in nonhydrogenic low-dimensional excitons”, Phys. Rev. B. 107, 195419 (2023).

225.   M. F. C. M. Quintela and T. Garm Pedersen, “Anisotropic linear and nonlinear excitonic optical properties of buckled monolayer semiconductors”, Phys. Rev. B. 107, 235416 (2023).

226.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Dynamic and static dipole polarizability of an Aharonov-Bohm ring”, Eur. J. Phys. Plus. 139, 486 (2024).

227.   T. Garm Pedersen and B. L. Burrows, “Frequency dependent polarizability of confined harmonic oscillators”, Phys. Scr. 99, 075609 (2024).

228.   M. F. C. M. Quintela, N. M. R. Peres and T. Garm Pedersen, “Tunable nonlinear excitonic optical response in biased bilayer graphene”, Phys. Rev. B. 110, 085433 (2024).

229.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Dipole Polarizability of Relativistic Aharonov-Bohm Ring: Application to Graphene Nanorings”, Phys. Rev. B. 110, 115426 (2024).

230.   T. Garm Pedersen, “Linear and nonlinear polarizabilities of anharmonic oscillators from hypergeometric resummation”, Submitted.


Personal ½ marathon best:  1.32.44 (Nov. 2011)



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South and Central America: Peruvian Amazon 2015, Chile 2015, Costa Rica 2016Mainland Ecuador 2018, Galapagos 2018, Pantanal 2022

Africa: South Africa 2017, Uganda and Rwanda 2019, Kenya 2022, Mozambique 2022, Ghana 2023, Gabon 2024, South Africa 2024

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Last update: 4. Nov. 2024